bhū is a non profit organisation dedicated to advancement of science and promotion of international relations
Scientific and technological objectives
1. To create new materials using the seven element framework [hydrogen,carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sodium, silicon,iron](h,c,n,o,na,si,fe) and promote sustainable development through green manufacturing. To promote cellulostic materials.
2. To research and develop stirling cycle devices for mechanical work. To research and develop pneumatic machines.
3. To research and develop electrostatic machines for hvdc generation.
4. To research and develop zone plates, solar concentrator lenses for energy and manufacturing purposes.
5. To research and develop sand batteries for energy storage
6. To promote Wi-Fi technology and antenna development for future wireless networks
7. To build a set of foundational structures and devices: fibers, sheet, thermal sheet ,wire ,LED,lenses, ,transistors using the seven element framework.
8. To promote nanotechnology, material science ,electrostatics, fluidics and plasma science.
International development objectives
1. Promotion of harmony among nations.
2. Helping native population in the Americas Australia, Canada, New Zealand to fight for their rights.
3. Developing Africa & promotion of unity among African Nations with the goal of aligning them into a single state.
4. Ensuring that nations are progressing steadily towards achievement of sustainable development goals
5. Promotion of sustainable international travel
6. Creation of specific councils and bodies for regulating and overseeing international issues as needed (eg atomic energy ,cocoa,vanilla ,coffee,tea,sugar etc)
We invite individuals and organisations to partner with us , help us achieve our objectives and work towards mutually beneficial goals. To join send an email to
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