No they don’t emit, they reflect and keep on reflecting until the signal reaches the other end. Fiber optics use infrared light to transmit data [1]. This is a form of radiation (heated objects also emit IR). In fact, Infrared radiation is so common in nature that there is an entire branch of study dedicated to it called thermal imaging [2]. Fiber cables are radiation guides. Their purpose is to transmit the data signal (infrared radiation) to as long a distance as possible with minimal loss. This is done with the help of total internal reflection. If fiber optic cable emitted any radiation at any point (except at the receiving end) it would fail its purpose. But even then the radiation is not harmful it would get dissipated just as the radiation from a heated body gets dissipated. [1] [2] I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Akshat Jiwan Sharma St...
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